Game Development
This is the first game I’ve created in a long while, and I’m quite proud of it. It was my first foray into pixel art and I took about a week to draw and code the game.
It is a simple two player game and I plan on using this to implement a machine learning AI sometime in the near future.

Play it now:
Web Development
I got together with a group of friends to create this project. It was a mockup of an idea we had to give an AI personality to Changi Airport.

Japanese Verb Conjugator
I keep hearing people tell me that Japanese grammar rules are so much more consistent than English, about how it’s structured and algorithmic. So I figured, if it’s so structured, why couldn’t a program do it? As it turns out, it can.
Site: Github:

Winner of the DeveloperWeek 2016 Hackathon DJI Prize. A simple app that allows a user to control the DJI osmo simply from pointing their phone around. Github.

OpenGL environment

Simple ecosystem simulation
This was a fun project created in C++ and OpenGL. This was my first foray into AI programming back when I was still in polytechnic. I also made use of this to test out a shader to give the flat cartoon effect. Here’s a video of it in action.
Here’s a video of it in action.

NUS Mountaineering is the largest formally recognised mountaineering club in Singapore. During my stint as the Publicity Director of the club, I took up the task of rebranding the club as well as promoting the club’s summer overseas trips.
Pixel Rife
Pixel Rife is a creative agency that I co-founded in 2009. The company is run by a two man team with each of us taking on multiple roles. Our portfolio can be downloaded at the following link.
This portfolio contains most of my photography, video production and web development projects.